Summer Travel Tips from ReturnMe
Summer Travel Tips from ReturnMe
Every year, travelers spend over 100 billion dollars in the United States alone. The typical traveler spends almost $3,900 on vacations. With all that at stake, who wants to risk a bad trip? ReturnMe has compiled the following Summer Travel Tips so your trip can be the best ever.
- Make a packing list!
‘Well duh,’ you protest... But the reality is that over 40% of travelers forget something when they travel – not so obvious then, is it!
Forgetting your toothbrush – that's not such a big deal. But forgetting your evening gown or suit which you needed at your brother's wedding in Cancun? What a disaster! Don’t get us started on the catastrophe which follows when you forgot to pack the charger for the kids' tablet!

You can avoid all that pain by preparing your packing list and checking each item off as you pack.
As you compile your vacation packing list, don’t forget the following items and tips:
- Inform yourself about baggage allowances and restrictions
Airlines are quite precise in their restrictions and allowances. If they say 63 inches in total dimensions, they mean it! Checking the website of your airline(s) will avoid any unwanted surprises. Weighing your luggage before leaving home will also avoid you unnecessary overage fees.
Security restrictions may vary based on the destinations you are flying to. Inform yourself about liquids and what you can and cannot pack into your hand-luggage.
- Protect your luggage and bags with ReturnMe Luggage tags to get them back if lost
Airlines have improved at not losing your luggage. But lost luggage and bags are still very much a problem while flying. Even your road trip or cruise trip is not immune from this travel scourge.
Losing your luggage can completely ruin your trip! That's why so many airlines give out little paper luggage tags. You write your address on them, then tie 'em to your bags. These tags have your personal information out for all to see. Worse than that, they let everyone know you're away, making your home vulnerable as you’re away.
Are you looking for scissors to chop those luggage tags off?
Here's a better alternative:
ReturnMe Luggage tags are powered by the World’s Largest Lost and Found Company. Finders can contact us 24/7/365 to get your bags back to you. All that, without your information displayed for all to see. To top it off, we help ship your lost items if required! Pretty sure those paper luggage tags don’t do that huh!
ReturnMe luggage tags come in many shapes and designs. That'll let you make your luggage stand out from all the others in the baggage reclaim area. No need to tie up old rags to your luggage anymore to set them apart!
The most important travel tip of all: Enjoy yourself, and have loads of fun! And be sure to send us a postcard!
Do you have any travel tips you’d like to share? Let us know by commenting below!
i like to include a travel itinerary inside my possessions so that i can be contacted in case something takes off on a different vacation!